Member Benefits
MeetUp Show and Go's

When it snows and you want to ski...or if you're looking for an afternoon bike ride in the summer...
Check out our Show and Go's on MeetUp! Upcoming events are also posted on the website Events Calendar and in the LiftLine newsletter.
Ski Instruction
Want to learn to ski? Want to improve? We'll help!
Certification is a set of standards developed and defined by Professional Ski Instructors of America/ American Association of Snowboarders Instructors (PSIA/ AASI) National. Our ski instructors are certified Alpine or Nordic. Similar to other professional associations, Lake Shore instructors need to continue to receive on-going education to remain current with modern teaching and sharpen their skills.
Instructions are offered (free), on the morning of the first (or only) ski day of a trip if one is on the trip. The first priority for the instructors is beginning skiers. Instructors recommend that if you have never skied before, you should take a lesson from an instructor at the area ski school. If there is more than one instructor on a trip, students are assigned to one or the other based on skill level. Look for our guys and gals on the mountain and on the cross country slopes.
We are also looking for additional certified snowboard, downhill and XC instructors.
If you have any questions concerning the LSSC instructor program, or if you meet the criteria and wish to become an instructor, please contact:
Ed Dominiak at (847) 838-3036.
Membership Term and Payment
Our annual membership term runs from May 1st to April 30th of the following year. The annual membership rate is $35. All membership applications must be signed* and are considered valid when the confirmation email is received (or when the paper form is received by the Membership Director). A separate check must be submitted to the treasurer and should not be combined with a payment for another trip or event. Checks submitted without a corresponding signed* application form cannot be processed.
Join online now by clicking here, If you want to renew your membership, you need to log in and click the red "renew" icon next to your name. See FAQs about renewals.
You must be a Member to attend an overnight Event (trip). Our one-day events and day trips have a non-member option. Members must be 21 or older in age.
Please note you will not be able to signup for events on the website for a short period after joining/renewing (until your membership payment is processed). In this case, you can still signup for our great events the old-fashioned way - please see the FAQ for Trip/Event Sign-Up.
* "Signed" includes electronic signatures, in this case clicking "I agree" on the joining agreement (read it now on the Membership Sign-Up Form.