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Home2023 Minocqua Winter Park Cross Country
Minocqua… At Last! - Friday, January 13 - Monday, January 16, 2023

Our annual Minocqua trip was cancelled last year due to- well, you know. But this year’s trip went off without a hitch! Well, except for an ice storm- more about that later. For the first time the trip started early afternoon, with the bus leaving the new downtown location at 1:30 and the burbs before 2:30! All agreed that we won’t go back to leaving the city at 5:30 and fighting traffic. 

Much time was spent on the bus with the Icebreaker game put together because our Wine and Cheese party had to be late in the trip this year. Participants sent in a secret or fun fact about themselves, and everyone tried to guess who went with what clue. Much interaction was stimulated on the bus, and it looked like the old days (when that big garbage can full of beer and wine up front got everyone mixing and laughing with a different type of stimulant). 

We arrived in Minocqua at 7pm (!) unlike the midnight- or later arrivals in prio yearsr, allowing us to go out for a bite or drink or both. It also meant that the bus driver had a full night's sleep, and we didn’t have to start late on Saturday morning. 

Saturday started with lessons for those who wanted them, by our PSIA instructors Andrew Kirby and Larry Kyte. Our group included one never-ever skier and several who hadn’t skied in many years. Thanks to our esteemed instructors for giving this important gift to the club! 

In the evening almost all of us hopped the bus for Norwood Pines Supper Club, perfectly arranged by Margaret Sheridan. A lovely dinner was had by all and some of us indulged in Brandy Alexanders- as iconic in the world of supper clubs as walleye, prime rib, and the relish tray. Dick and Wendy, still celebrating their honeymoon, got Brandy Alexanders BEFORE dinner!

Sunday morning on the bus to Winter Park we learned the winners of the Icebreaker- Rebecca Gilman and Wendy Wasson! No surprise that the shrink and the social maven won this particular contest!

At the Supper Club
Wine and Cheese Party
Sunday night we all enjoyed talking, eating, and drinking at the Wine and Cheese party, thanks to careful planning and shopping by Kathy Kirby and masterful implementation by Margie Huerta. Dina revealed the answers to the Icebreaker questions, with many surprises. Some went out afterwards, but many stayed for takeout Chinese food followed by games of Rummikub, Hearts, and a very lively game of Telestrations After Dark run by Laurie Brand- with lots of whooping and laughter coming from that table.

On Monday, we awoke to the aforementioned ice storm. All were packed to leave from Winter Park after lunch, with a few of us planning to visit Manitowish River Studio instead of skiing. We were soon informed that Winter Park was closed due to the storm- so everyone went to the Studio! Much drama ensued when the bus couldn’t get up the very small but icy rise to the hotel canopy and we had to traverse the glassy ice to load and board the bus!

Many thanks to Bob Oppenheimer AKA Saint Robert, who commandeered all the loading and unloading for the entire trip, making the entire trip easier for everyone. That morning even the Hotel Manager (!) had to help- using walk-off mats leapfrogged in front of each other over the ice, to get the job done.

Also, the Wine and Cheese party was really implemented by a crew. Thanks so much: Ed Hanlon(!), Terry Cristello (thank goodness she travels with a knife & cutting board!), Laurie Brand, Teresa P., Margaret Smith, and others who jumped in.

Not knowing if we could successfully get to the Studio because of the storm, we rode there and did in fact get there and in. Most were amazed at the lovely work being done by our host Mary Burns, who is a weaver using jacquard as her medium. The exhibition currently in the studio is called Women and Water, depicting women the world over who work for water awareness, conservation, and quality. She uses a computerized loom and in this body of work, only 2 colors- black and light tan, to create woven images that really look like photographs! 
After the Studio we descended upon a wonderful mom-and-pop café in Mercer, complete with Grandma, homemade pie, and a neon sign in the window that said MEATLOAF, found for us by Clifton Morrow. By a huge majority vote the group decided not to stop for pizza (a long-term Minocqua tradition) and stopped in Janesville at a Culver’s and Subway instead, so each could get what they wanted. Most agreed that like the 1:30 start time, the new food option is a great improvement!
Many people make the Minocqua trip a success each year, a go-to for so many of us who prefer skinny skis. Thanks to all you volunteers for the team spirit and pitching in! Special shout out to the Irish Outfit (you know who you are) without whom this trip would have been impossible. 
P.S. LSSC runs on volunteers- volunteer when you can! And even better, volunteer to organize a trip!

---Dina Petrakis
   Trip Leader