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Home2023 Quebec Trip
Quebec City Cross Country - Friday, February 24 to Thursday, March 2, 2023
Quebec City 2023 Trip
The Quebec ski trip (Feb. 24-March 2) was a success! Organized by Larry Kyte and Sarah Begor, all 26 LSSC members arrived back to O'Hare, intact! And no one suffered weight loss! As Andrew Kirby noted, "it's hard to find a bad restaurant in Quebec". 

Or skiing....The trip combined the downhill talents of members including Gary Solomon, Julia Kolodzeij, Marty Monaghan, and Donna Salvatore while the cross-country folks left no trails untouched at Monte-Sainte-Anne, Camp Mercier, Duchesnay, and Les Sentiers du Moulin. 

A few glitches? Sure. We played airplane roulette at the airport that extended our stay in Toronto. Larry's ski bag didn't show up on-time, so he became an expert at judging rentals. The bus drivers, especially Alain, provided extra skills as tour guides. And the staff at Hotel Manoir Victoria took pains in keeping our ski equipment safe in a spare banquet room. 

Food memories include poutine (the national dish) at Les Trois Garcons; Maison Smith for breakfast waffles and enriched yogurt; the menu of gin drinks at Cafe Livernois, and the farm-to-table specials (including honey from their rooftop hives) at Bistro Huertus.

The vertical climbs on icy sidewalks of old town, visits to the Musee des beaux-arts du Quebec and perfect snow capped off a terrific week of adventure. 

Merci beaucoup to Larry Kyte and Sarah Begor! 

--Margaret Sheridan
Quebec City 2023 Trip